The mission of our church compels us to actively minister to others and connect them to Jesus Christ. Our deacons, a pastoral care ministry of our church, actively serve our members and intentionally reach out to our community.
Deacons are to serve the church, in accordance with the standards outlined in Acts 6:1-7 and 1 Timothy 3.
Our deacons are a team of men who take the care of you and your family very personally. Whether through calls, cards of encouragement, or service to the church, our deacons are always ready to help in your time of need.
Even though our deacons are not currently making physical visits to hospitals, we would love to know of your hospitalization or impending surgery so that we can check on you. We will reach out via e-mail, phone call, or text to let you know that we are praying for you.
To let us know about an upcoming hospital visit please let us know at the contact information below: